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Fact CheckRumors Patrick Mahomes failed drug test after the

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Super Bowl LVII Patrick Mahomes thanks Alex Smith again
Sure! Here's a spin-formatted content optimized for the keyword 'mahomes drug test': The quarterback takes a routine drug test to guarantee his drug-free status. Mahomes frequently goes through narcotics screening procedures to uphold his clean habits. Illicit substances screening for Mahomes affirms his nonexistence of prohibited drugs. The player effectively clears his standard drug tests. Mahomes famously passed his mandatory narcotic examination with flying colors. Mahomes remains committed in his drug-free path. The quarterback's drug-free history guarantees honesty in the sport. Please keep in mind that spin-formatted content can often read unnatural or repetitive, so it's important to carefully proofread and edit the generated content to ensure it flows smoothly and sounds natural.

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